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Welding Machines

Miller Electric MFG; Co. is one of the world's largest leading manufacturers of a full range of electric ARC' welding equipment. In 1993 . passed its ISO audit and became the first Amercan welding equipment manufacturer to be registered to ISO 9001. the most comprehensive of ISO standard. Miller equipment can he found virtually any-where welding is performed. In metal fabricating shops, on conslruction sites, and in manufacturing facilities around the globe.

Miller is also there welding oil and gas pipe-lines across vast contents. Constructing on shore and off shore oilrige. Helping to build stihmarines. battle ships and cruise in the major |)orls of the world, and Joining exotic metals on spacecraft for the aerospace industry. The application are endless and Miller is there supplying welding power systems, and technology to the world.

Range of Manufacture Includes:

  • AC/DC power sources.
  • MIG welding machines.
  • TIG welding machines.
  • Plasma cutting M/CN spot welders.
  • Engine driven welding generators 600-700 AMI'S.
  • Multiple operatorswelding systems (1500-AM PS).
  • 8 operators de welding systcms(1600 AMPS).
  • Complete robotic welding systems.
  • Induction heating machines.
  • Stress reliefing machines.
  • Inverter Technology.
  • Other Accessories.
for more information please visit miller website.
Stick Welders Mig Welders Engine-driven
Plasma Cutters Tig Welders Multiprocess
Column & Boom Submerged Arc Welders Induction Heating System
Esw Cladding System Saw With Mobile Power  
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